The Domino Effect: 5 Cascading Benefits of a Fleet Safety Culture

Safety — it’s the top priority of most fleets. Safety culture & a comprehensive fleet safety program deliver a positive impact to the comany’s bottom line.

During this on-demand webinar, viewers will learn how implementing a safety program delivers five key bottom-line benefits to its fleet, including:

  • #1 Increased fuel savings
  • #3 Enhanced spec’ing
  • #5 Improved total cost of ownership

While each of these benefits may be familiar, what is less well-known is that they are all closely related to a strong safety culture.

View now and discover these five benefits and the trigger that sets the domino effect in motion, helping to guarantee that cost benefits continue for the long haul.

“Continuous License Monitoring is the catalyst to putting the domino effect into motion.”


Continuous driver MVR monitoring, combined with a fleet safety program and other behavioral monitoring tools, is the ideal solution for effectively monitoring drivers’ risk profiles, ensuring compliance and safety, reducing liability, and minimizing business losses for any industry that employs drivers.

SuperVision has the resources you need to build and implement a safety program.